Monday, September 29, 2008

Our poor dog!

Last night was crazy. While we were getting Robert to bed (after he peed in the potty twice YAY!) I had to call Animal Emergency because Jackson suddenly became ill yesterday afternoon. It started with diarrhea and was soon followed by vomiting. He got so bad last night that he couldn't even keep water down. mark had gone outside with his earlier because he was worried that something outside made him ill and found 3 bones--like pork chop bones--with some meat still on them. Jackson was throwing up pieces of bone along with everything else in his stomach. So I called Animal Emergency.

Because of the bones and because he was throwing up so much and had diarrhea at the same time, Mark had to bring him in. Thankfully, it looks like he is going to be fine. The X-Rays came back completely clean and there are no signs of any lasting damage.

We have no idea who threw the bones into our yard or how they got there. Hopefully it was just someone trying to do a nice thing for Jackson who didn't know any better.

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