Thursday, October 9, 2008

Quick Potty update

Today was a big day! I have been letting Robert go around the house with nothing on but a shirt since yesterday because he seems to have less accidents that way. He had one accident yesterday all day once I left him with no underwearon. He had one today that SUCKED. LOL

I was sitting on the love seat and he came up and sat next to me and just peed all over the place. Mark happened to be upstairs getting some coffee and helped me clean it up and we gently explained to him (Robert, not Mark, though Mark could use the reminder as well) that he should pee in the toilet and not anywhere else.

15 or 20 minutes later, he was playing with his cars on the coffee table and watching Diego. He suddenly put his cars down, walked into the bathroom, and without a word got on the toilet and peed COMPLETELY ON HIS OWN!

I was so excited I almost started crying. After his nap he went back to needing us to tell him when he had to go and bring him in the bathroom but that. He hasn't gone to the bathroom on his own again today but it's still a huge step in the right direction! :-D

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